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11 Couples Counselling Topics to Discuss in Your Next Session (68+ Insightful Questions)

Engaging in couples counselling involves exploring essential topics to ensure a strong foundation for your relationship. Whether you are in premarital counselling or looking to strengthen your marriage, these topics and questions will help you navigate your journey together.

Relationships and Marriage

Understanding each other's expectations and visions for the marriage is crucial. Here are some common questions to discuss:

Typical Questions

  1. What are your expectations for marriage?
  2. How do you envision your roles within the relationship?
  3. What are your communication styles, and how do you handle conflicts?
  4. How do you plan to nurture and strengthen your relationship over time?

Additional Questions

  1. What do you believe are the most important qualities in a marriage?
  2. How do you define commitment and loyalty in a relationship?
  3. What are your thoughts on maintaining independence within the marriage?
  4. How do you handle stress and pressure in the relationship?


Discussing spirituality can help align your beliefs and practices as a couple.

Typical Questions

  1. What role does spirituality or religion play in your lives individually and as a couple?
  2. How do you envision incorporating your spiritual beliefs into your marriage?

Additional Questions

  1. How will you handle differences in religious beliefs or practices?
  2. What spiritual practices do you want to establish together?
  3. How important is attending religious services to you both?
  4. How do you plan to teach any future children about spirituality?

Household Duties

Discussing household responsibilities helps ensure a fair and efficient management of home life.

Typical Questions

  1. How do you plan to divide household responsibilities?
  2. Are there any particular chores or tasks you feel strongly about?

Additional Questions

  1. How will you handle household tasks if one of you is unable to contribute?
  2. What is your approach to maintaining a clean and organized home?
  3. How do you plan to manage cooking and meal planning?
  4. How will you address issues of fairness and equity in household duties?

Career Goals

Supporting each other's career aspirations is vital for mutual growth and satisfaction.

Typical Questions

  1. What are your individual career aspirations, and how do you support each other's goals?
  2. How do you plan to balance career and family life?

Additional Questions

  1. What are your long-term career goals, and how do they align with your partner's?
  2. How will you manage situations where one partner's career requires relocation?
  3. What are your thoughts on career changes or further education?
  4. How do you handle work-related stress and its impact on your relationship?


Deciding on having children and parenting styles is a significant aspect of a relationship.

Typical Questions

  1. Do you both want children, and if so, how many?
  2. How do you envision parenting styles, discipline, and involvement in your children's lives?

Additional Questions

  1. How will you handle differences in parenting philosophies?
  2. What are your plans for childcare and education?
  3. How do you plan to balance parenting responsibilities with personal time?
  4. What values and principles do you want to instill in your children?

Mutual Expecations

Clarifying mutual expectations can enhance emotional support and connection.

Typical Questions

  1. What are your expectations for each other in terms of emotional support?
  2. How do you plan to maintain a strong emotional connection throughout your marriage?

Additional Questions

  1. How do you express love and appreciation for each other?
  2. What do you need from each other during difficult times?
  3. How do you handle and resolve misunderstandings?
  4. How often do you think you should have date nights or quality time together?


Open communication about your connection helps maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Typical Questions

  1. How do you express affection?
  2. How do you ensure you feel heard and understood?

Additional Questions

  1. What is your favourite way to connect with your partner?
  2. What are your thoughts on maintaining care for each other over time?

Conflict Resolution

Effective conflict resolution is key to a harmonious relationship.

Typical Questions

  1. How do you handle disagreements and conflicts?
  2. What are your strategies for resolving conflicts peacefully?

Additional Questions

  1. How do you manage anger and frustration in the relationship?
  2. What are your thoughts on seeking outside help for unresolved conflicts?
  3. How do you handle conflicts that arise from external factors, like family or work?

Family and In-laws

Navigating relationships with family and in-laws is important for a supportive environment.

Typical Questions

  1. What role do you expect your families to play in your marriage?
  2. How do you plan to manage in-law relationships?

Additional Questions

  1. How will you handle holidays and family gatherings?
  2. What are your boundaries regarding family involvement in your marriage?
  3. How do you support each other in dealing with family conflicts?
  4. How do you plan to incorporate family traditions and values into your relationship?

Leisure Activities

Sharing leisure activities can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

Typical Questions

  1. What hobbies and interests do you enjoy together?
  2. How do you plan to spend your free time as a couple?

Additional Questions

  1. How important is it for you to have individual hobbies and interests?
  2. How do you balance time with friends and family with time together?
  3. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind together?
  4. How do you plan to explore new activities and experiences together?

Long-term Goals

Discussing long-term goals helps ensure that you are working towards a shared future.

Typical Questions

  1. What are your long-term goals as a couple?
  2. How do you envision your life together in 10, 20, or 30 years?

Additional Questions

  1. How do you plan to achieve your personal and mutual goals?
  2. What are your thoughts on retirement and aging together?
  3. How do you plan to stay connected as you grow older?
  4. What legacy do you want to leave as a couple?

Book Ronit Kaufman Today

Discussing these topics in couples counselling can help you build a stronger, more resilient relationship. Open communication and mutual understanding are key to navigating the journey of life together. Use these questions as a guide to explore and deepen your connection with your partner.