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Your Virtual Support Solution

Are you in need of support but find it challenging to attend in-person appointments? Perhaps you're a busy stay-at-home or working parent, juggling multiple responsibilities, or maybe you reside in a remote area where access to traditional counseling services is limited. Whatever your situation, online counselling, also known as e-counseling, offers a convenient and accessible solution to meet your needs.

Through live video conferencing, Ronit Kaufman’s online counselling services provide you with the opportunity to receive counselling from the comfort of your own home or any location with internet access. Whether you prefer the convenience of virtual sessions or find it more comfortable to engage in counselling from a familiar environment, Ronit’s online counseling platform is designed to accommodate your needs.

Appointment Request

e-Counselling Available in Ontario and Across Canada

Services are available to individuals residing in Ontario and across Canada. Whether you're located in a major city or a remote rural area, you can access support from anywhere with an internet connection. No matter where you are, Ronit Kaufman is here to help you on your journey.

Couples Counselling

Strengthen your relationship and improve communication with your partner.

Couples Counselling

Counselling for Anxiety

Learn strategies and techniques to help regain control of your life.

Counselling for Anxiety

Career Counselling

Explore your career goals and make informed decisions about your professional path.

Career Counselling

Life Transitions

Navigate major life changes with confidence and support.

Counselling for New Mothers

Adjust to the challenges of motherhood, address postpartum concerns, and prioritize self-care.

Counselling for New Mothers

Faith-Based Counselling

Get support that aligns with your beliefs and values.

Faith-Based Counselling

Types of Counselling Available

Ronit understands that no two individuals are the same, and she tailors sessions together to address challenges unique to you. 

Click on the links on the side for more information. 

Have Questions? FAQs about Online Counselling

What is online counselling?

Online counseling, also known as telehealth or e-counseling, is a form of counselling that is conducted remotely via live video conferencing. It allows individuals to receive counselling services without the need for in-person appointments.

What are the benefits?

Online counseling offers numerous benefits, including convenience, accessibility, flexibility in scheduling, and the ability to receive support from the comfort of your own home. It eliminates the need for travel time and can be particularly beneficial for individuals with mobility issues, busy schedules, or limited access to traditional counselling services.

Is online counselling effective?

Online counseling can be just as effective as in-person counselling for many concerns. It provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and concerns with a counsellor helping lead to positive outcomes and personal growth.

What types of concerns can be addressed?

Online counselling can be used to address a wide range of needs including anxiety, stress, grief, career concerns, life transitions, and more.

Ready to Get Started?

If you're ready to explore the benefits of online counselling and take the first step toward improving your well-being, Ronit Kaufman is here to help. Contact Ronit today to schedule an online session today.